单词 number one 例句大全,用单词number one造句:

In actual fact, being number one, you are effectively the leader.
实际上, 既然排名第一, 你就彻彻底底是个领导者。
Your relationship with the students appear to be number one task.
A number one golf iron, having very little loft to the club face.
Aggression is the number one reported among anabolic steroid uses.
I can certainly assure you I'm looking after number one all right.
Yeah, Piano Concerto Number One of Tchaikovsky, and the third one?
You are probably ambitious and competitive, liking to be number one.
你可能有抱背和好强的, 分想得第一。
Aries is the first of the star signs and they like being number one.
白羊座是十二星座之首, 他们喜欢争第一。
Number one handheld computer calculator for the electrical industry.
头号掌上电脑计算器, 为电力工业。
First of all, as I just noted, the argument needs premise number one.
And then tempt the brilliant number two back into the number one slot.
然后, 把她那位才华横溢的副手召回公司, 填补她的位置。
The August Power Rank's number one slot is by far its easiest to award.
Michael Jordan used to reign as the number one basketball player in NBA.
The bands are constantly jockeying with each other for the number one spot.
It's the number one contaminant of groundwater, drinking water, rain water.
它含量最高的杂质 于地下水,饮用水和雨水。
Security was the number one preoccupation of everyone we met in Afghanistan.
Number one, this matters because this represents more than a billion people.
第一,它重要是因为 它代表着超过十万人民
He's too much concern with number one to have much concern for other people.
Williams has confirmed his position as the world's number one snooker player.
The Cultural ConnotatiOn of the Countermeasure of the Number One Scholar Test
Number one is we have to have foresight and anticipate some of these problems.
第一条是我们得深虑远谋, 参与其中一些问题。
What do you consider the number one concern for US steel traders at this time?
The number one answer is, as previously stated, to promote voluntary compliance.
Canadian children cited reasoning as their parents' number one disciplinary tactic.
If it takes the Number One golfer in the world to convince you then I'm all for it.
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单词 number one 释义

  • 单词释义:自己的;重要的,头号的  [更多..]



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