单词 move out 例句大全,用单词move out造句:

It was out of question a great off season move for the Chicago Bears.
Get out of here!Move!Schnell!And do not tell anybody you were here!Go!
We were told we were going to move into Kuwait city, and we moved out.
Your room is so dirty. Clear it promptly, or else you should move out.
And when the breath goes out, let your consciousness move out with it.
当气跑出去的时候, 让你的意?跟著它跑出去。
Never take a broom along when you move. Throw it out and buy a new one.
I told you I had to spend day clearing out stuff so Mike could move in.
Earth in her choice to ascend is choosing to move out of forgetfulness.
Move the person out of the sun and into a shady or airconditioned space.
The dream flows out to move affectively, again is to thought of let out.
He had to move a refrigerator out of his way to get out of the basement.
And this house is too huge, if you move out, I'll burn all two thousand.
而且这个房子很大, 如果你离开了, 我会把这方圆几千里。
I have to move out of my flat on Friday. My landlord wants the key back.
And, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a tiny hand move in the blankets.
而且, 从我的眼角, 我看到了一只小手在毯子里移动。
As such, we've opted to move the title out into a cleaner release window.
基于此, 我们选择把这个游戏置于一个更为清楚的发售窗口。
Seismic waves move out from the focus of an earthquake in all directions.
You can move these things out of the classroom without striking a blowing.
No sooner had he finished carving out his eyes than the eyes started to move!
当他一把眼睛刻好, 这双眼睛就开始转动!
If you stop and move closer, you can make out individual branches and leaves.
如果你停下来, 走得更靠近一些, 你就能看清枝杈和树叶。
Once the children married, they must move out, be independent in the economy.
子女一旦结婚, 就得搬出去住, 经济上也必须独立。
However, radio waves attenuate as they move out from the transmitting antenna.
然而, 无线电波随者从传送的天线向外移动而衰减。
I have to move out of my room om Friday because Franco has got another tenant.
周五我必须搬出去, 因为佛朗克把房子租给另外一个房客了。
The small denizens of the wilderness hardly took pains to move out of her path.
Let the EMA flatten out and tick up before positioning for a new major bull move.
等均线走平并上涨, 再开始进仓, 等待上涨。
The customs at the move out place or move in place shall verify the declared data.
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单词 move out 释义

  • 单词释义:迁出; 搬出;出发; 开始旅行  [更多..]



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