单词 long head 例句大全,用单词long head造句:

Return to bedroom wearing long dressing gown and towel on head.
Seismosaurus had a long neck a small head and a long thin tail.
The arched neck is long and carried proudly behind an erect head.
长而骄傲地昂起, 竖在头部之后。
From his bare head his long hair streamed upward, waving a plume.
I have a hostage, as long as you dare to Move, I'll smash his head!
我有人质, 只要你敢动一动, 我就打烂他的脑袋!
I dream of snake Oh, terror of the long mew cat head till the pole!
我梦见长着猫咪头得蛇啊, 恐怖至极!
It requires a long head to manage successfully the affairs of state.
A long scarf worn over the head and shoulders chiefly by Mexican women.
Head meal meal, and a long beak of a dot on the look out on the water.
Has a petal shape head, long tentacle, and a luminescence colorful body.
Fish with high compressed head and a body tapering off into a long tail.
Beautiful fair hair crowns her head. Shoulder length, with a long fringe.
她长着一头浅色的秀发。头发齐肩, 并留长的刘海。
Pl. Scarfs A long piece of cloth worn about the head, neck, or shoulders.
围巾围在头部, 颈部或肩膀的一块长布。
Coefficients of Head Loss of Throttled Surge Tanks with Long Linking Pipe
The head of it there are a pair of long ears, like a pair of cotton swabs.
Treatment of 85 Cases of Acute Tynosynovitis of Long Head of Biceps Brachii
His head was full of restless thoughts, and for a long time he could not sleep.
an ax with a long handle and a head that has one cutting edge and one blunt side.
The body is brawny, limbs forceful, head round eyes, short neck little kiss long.
large African antelope having a head with horns like an ox and a long tufted tail.
A traditional Moslem headdress consisting of a long scarf wrapped around the head.
a silkycoated sheepdog with a long ruff and long narrow head developed in Scotland.
在苏格兰培育的皮毛如丝的牧羊犬, 颈毛长, 头长而窄。
Or at least one of head bands with the glitter balls attached to those long springs.
Her head was bent over the keyboard now, long raven wings of hair shrouding her face.
她的头垂向钢琴键盘, 长长的乌黑的发卷遮住了面庞。
Clutching a long list of job fairs, they head out for a brisk encounter with reality.
手握一长串招聘会的名单, 他们将启程与现实来个亲密接触。
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