单词 methane gas 例句大全,用单词methane gas造句:

An analysis on pooling history of the Carboniferous thermal methane gas pool, eastern Sichuan basin
The gas content of the coalbed is one of important parameters for assessing coalbed methane resources.
Methane is the main constituent of natural gas, and is the result of natural decomposition processes.
If the permafrost melts, prodigious amounts of trapped methane gas will burp out of the once frozen ground.
二是暖化到什麽程度时, 会使北极的多年冻土融化?
Great quantity of water is drained in extraction of coalbed methane similar to extraction of conventional oil gas.
煤层气的开采和常规的油气一样, 伴随着大量的采出水。
Coalbed gases in Huainan coal field is a gas mixture resulted from thermogenic methane and secondary biogenic gas.
Effects of deformation field, coallification degree and the electronic field on the seepage law of methane gas in coal
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