单词 off line 例句大全,用单词off line造句:

You take the downtown Line 5 train and get off at Dongdan.
Last year the millionth truck rolled off the assembly line.
Their first car rolls off the production line on December 16.
And they are so excited. That's the first board off the line.
Then he took off in a mad Nadal dash towards the service line.
然后, 他脱下了疯狂地追求的服务项目纳达尔冲刺。
Unable to connect to specified machine or machine is off line.
You can take Ginza line and get off at the station of Omotesando.
你可搭银座线, 在表参道站下车。
When a device is off line, no data set may be opened on that device.
当设备脱机时, 在此设备上不能打开任何数据集。
Flying just come off the assembly line, he and I chatted for a while.
The captain cast off the line and we were soon out in the open water.
船长解开了船索, 我们很快就出航了。
Hey, I just wrote that subject line off the top of my head.. not bad eh
Very few gaspowered passenger cars can beat the Chevy Volt off the line.
It's not like tennis where the little beeper goes off if you cross the line.
Although neither managed a complete circle, both veered off a straight line.
The captain of the boat cast off the line and we were soon out in open water.
船长解开绳缆, 我侗很快就航行在开阔的水面上。
Off line programming can greatly enhance efficiency and facilitate the users.
Cleverly Setting Up Line of Keeping off the Water to Prevent Wall Getting Damp
巧设平房仓屋面挡水线, 防止墙体返潮
The terminal is off line while repairs are being made to the central computer.
在中央计算机修理期间, 这台终端不能使用。
The sky is overcast and lifeless, like rain off the beads rolled down the line.
天空是阴沉沉的, 雨点像断了线的珠子滚落下来。
He started off enthusiastically but at some point along the line boredom set in
Abrupt, a flock of happy small fish enter my line of vision, tick off my fetch.
The racquet is facing the target for only a millisecond and then goes off line.
One of them got a bite on his line and got so excited that he fell off the bridge.
So we can say that we are off the starting block, but far from the finishing line.
我们可以说, 我们已冲出起跑线, 但离终点还很远。
then the great tragedy has been that billions of our processors have been off line.
那么,极其不幸的是 数十亿的处理器都没开动。
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