单词 oil can 例句大全,用单词oil can造句:

How much oil boil can gun boil boil if gun boil can boil oil ?
如果橡胶罐能够把油煮开的话, 它可以煮开多少油泥?
So the oil can reduce fat and balance the body after eating it.
经检测能降低血脂, 均衡人体所需, 调节人体机能。
Oil extracted from cottonseeds can be processed into edible oil.
How much oil boil can a gum boil boil if a gum boil can boil oil
如果胶煮沸可能煮沸油, 胶能煮沸多少油煮沸煮沸?
To come back to the oil problem, oil is something we can replace.
Patients should be warned that camphor oil can irritate the skin.
The acid assistant can not effect the acid value of lube base oil.
Quercetin, fish oil can reduce the incidence of prostate cancer.
The spare can of diesel oil in the trunk was their ace in the hole.
If current trend can be sustained drop in oil prices can be bought.
若当前走势能够维持下去, 油价下跌即可买入。
We can use less oil faster than they can conveniently sell less oil.
And the dense plant ethereal oil can make you refreshed and relaxed.
Mr Hoeven insists that coal and oil can complement green development.
By way of contrast oil can be transported large distance by pipeline.
The solvent oil can be recycled and the recovered oil can be utilized.
In diesel engines in particular, the oil can thicken by absorbing soot.
特别是在柴油发动机, 机油变稠因吸收烟尘。
Neem, olive oil, tea tree oil etc, which can be used for treating louse.
Unlike perishable agricultural products, oil can be stored in the ground.
不同于易腐烂的农产品, 石油可以长期埋在地下。
The cables can be used in places contaminated by mineral oil and fuel oil.
Pure, the oil can be used for cooking, lighting or generating electricity.
You can use empty oil barrels buoy up the boards so that you can get river.
你可以用空油桶把木板托起来, 这样你就能过河了。
The extracted oil can be used as crude oil and the solvent can be recycled.
If anybody sees these two oil paintings. Can awe them the family background.
任何人若看到这两幅油画, 都会敬畏他们的家世。
Mineral oil stains or other edible oil stains can be applied to this method.
Furthermore, sulfur and other impurities in the oil can poison the catalyst.
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