单词 on shore 例句大全,用单词on shore造句:

A few boats that were caught in the ice had to be pulled up on shore.
Why are waves always parallel to the shore on approaching the seashore?
Although, I was fairly amused by guys wearing speedoes on on the shore.
The sport of riding a surfboard toward the shore on the crest of a wave.
Perhaps they were going to leave him at some distant point on the shore.
On the north shore of the Yellow River cut soongorica Yashang deposition.
We stood on the shore of the sea and looked at the ships in the distance.
我们站在海岸上, 遥望远处的船只。
But before long two soldiers, roaring drunk on shore, heard this singing.
可是不多久, 有兵士从河街过身, 喝得烂醉, 听到这声音了。
A group of gentoo penguins nests on an icy shore of Cierva Cove, Antarctica.
Men on shore were moved away from their home location for fear of collusion.
When the storm rose on the Lake, we had to bale out to reach the shore safely
暴风雨降临湖面, 我们不得不把水舀出, 以保平安抵岸。
Let your blue mantle on the shore the blue water will cover you and hide you.
When the storm rose on the lake, we had to bail out to reach the shore safely.
On the shore, seven beachfront villas nestle along a stretch of private beach.
A few of the shipwrecked sailors were cast up on the shore of a desert island.
At daybreak the men from the tribe appeared on the rocks overlooking the shore.
We stopped for a fortnight at a camping site on the southern shore of that lake.
We stopped for a fortnight at a camping site on the southern shore of that lake.
We decided by consensus to head for shore on Shell Island to wait out the storm.
我们一致决定前往谢尔岛靠岸, 在那里等暴风雨结束。
A comparison of wave forces on shore protection breast walls for different types
Then they beached the ship on the shore where they were able to repair the damage.
然后他们又把船拖上海滩, 进行修理。
Characteristics and Formation of Aeolian Dunes on Western Shore of the Qinghai Lake
A primary Observation of Aeolian sand Deposits on Eastern Shore of the Qinghai Lake.
The sun set the dusk fell on the stream, and lights began to appear along the shore.
太阳西沉, 黄昏降临河上, 岸上出现了一排灯光。
On Mud Replacement bg Blasting in Eaetern Shore Protection of Gaoqi Harbor in Xiamen
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单词 on shore 释义

  • 单词释义:在陆地上, 上岸, 登陆  [更多..]



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