单词 thick fog 例句大全,用单词thick fog造句:

Do you see a beam of light coming through the thick fog
In the thick fog, visibility was reduced almost to zero.
在这浓雾中, 可见度几乎降为零。
We ran into a patch of thick fog just outside Edinburgh.
Thick patchy fog and irresponsible driving were to blame.
These cold clouds pervaded the Universe like a thick fog.
The thick fog enable him to climbd up the hill unnoticed.
The pilot homed in by means of radar, despite the thick fog.
The fog was thick and hazy, and the moon became even rounder.
夜雾凄迷, 月更圆了。
We caught sight of the boat as it emerged from the thick fog.
The fog was thick and hazy, and the moon became even rounder.
When they awoke, there was a thick blanket of fog over the lake.
The meaning, drawn by Quines arguments, fell into the thick fog.
It was so cold this morning that there was a thick curtain of fog.
今早很冷, 有一层厚厚的雾气。
The fog was as thick as pea soup. All traffic came to a standstill.
The liner fell aboard of the cargo ship on account of the thick fog.
Becuase thick fog, I could hardly see the tree in front of our house.
因为有大雾, 我几乎看不见我们房子前面的树。
The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a foot or so.
The thick nitrogen atmosphere holds fog, mist, smoggy haze and rain clouds.
Then the pigeons flew into thick fog, and the famous homing instinct failed.
About six, the fog slowly vanished. But above them were layers of thick cloud.
六点钟左右, 大雾渐渐消失, 但是他们的上空却是云层密布。
The fog was as thick as pea soup. We couldn't see ahead more than several yards.
Suddenly a thick blanket of fog enveloped the ship, blotting out the instrument panel.
突然间一团浓雾把飞机笼罩起来, 遮住了仪表盘。
Fierce winds on the island fog thick cream thick snow, there are many unique natural landscape.
岛上风猛雾大, 霜浓雪厚, 有许多独特的自然景观。
Application of Distinguishing Regress method to the prediction of the thick fog in Sichuan Basin
I command you to fill the night with a thick fog, and let they shall not be able to find each other.
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单词 thick fog 释义

  • 单词释义:浓雾(一级能见度);五里雾  [更多..]



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