单词 think through 例句大全,用单词think through造句:

But if you don't think through the problems of corruption, who will?
Do you think it would be dishonest if we went through his haversack ?
斯佳丽, 搜他的乾粮袋会不会不道德? ?
I read your proposal through last night and I think we'll agree to it.
I think the best way to keep in touch with my friends is through email.
Someone fired a shot through my office window. Accurate, don't you think
Will you run through this essay for me, and tell me what you think of it?
You think you can see through my heart? disfigure one's face by a deep cut
When we think, there is the world of thought experienced through the mind.
当我们想时, 有通过意门体验的心念的世界。
Even through the sting of rejection, I'd like to think I knew it was funny.
我并不认为这是一次难受之旅, 我更愿意相信非常令人受用。
So I think economically, the critical issue really is to now think through.
I don't think an operating room and a bloody army will fit through the gate.
In the Autumn of stop to think about revisiting past through time and space.
I think a lot of the teams that added players are going through that right now.
I think that after bubble economy fall through isn't what bad affair to citizen.
我认为, 泡沫经济破灭之后, 对国民来说并不是什么坏事情。
Read through their descriptions and think deeply about whether you possess them.
What makes you think it's going to follow a naquadah generator through a wormhole
Think through what you want to do with your degree, but dont rehearse your speech.
仔细考虑你会如何使用你的学位, 不用事先准备。
Countless images flash through my mind when I think how I have come to find myself.
当我思考我是如何找到自己时, 数不清的形象闪过我的脑海。
Did the gentlemen think the Yankees would ever get through with reconstructing Georgia?
Dont rush headlong into danger think it through carefully before you make any decisions.
I think about these sneakers when I'm watching MTV and I flip through fashion magazines.
Think of ways to tilt and sliding through the box to ground to prevent rolling diamonds!
Whatever we think in awake state is registered by subconscious mind through conscious mind.
It forces the sender to carefully think through their arguments and express themselves logically.
You really think that a jury is gonna believe that you dragged a dead body through the woods yourself?
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单词 think through 释义

  • 单词释义:思考后得出结论  [更多..]



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