单词 The Wanted 例句大全,用单词The Wanted造句:

He wanted to get the upper hand by lessening the achievements of his rivals.
If there is afterlife, Li Yu is the children wanted to be an extraordinary !
如果有来生, 李煜是想做个平凡子弟吧!
Afterwards, I wanted to go to school, I am sent back the inside of the city.
She wanted to be an actress, but her father soon nipped that idea in the bud.
她想当演员, 但她父亲一知道这个想法就阻止住了。
The landlady wanted to complain, but she was in abject terror of the captain.
This is my absolute favorite of the ultrasound images and I wanted to frame it.
So we wanted to make a headphone that was absolutely the very best it could be.
The lawyer wanted to know how the murderess had helped her accomplice get away.
That says to me it was Friday afternoon and somebody wanted to go down the pub.
Many of the agencies advertise in the Help Wanted'sections of the daily papers.
A female constable obligingly stepped out whenever the men wanted access Assiya.
Not especially. but I wanted to see the teahous, so my parents agreed to tack us.
Monty agreed with Patton. He, too, wanted to abandon the plan to overrun Brittany.
She wanted to abase herself before the strong man, to be low and humble before him.
她使自己在这个强壮的男人面前显得更谦卑, 低下和恭顺。
Stakeholders wanted to understand how the system would perform and adapt to changes.
Suppose you wanted to look at adding the squares of the first few Fibonacci numbers.
假如你想计算一下 头几个斐波纳契数的平方和
He wanted to know about the size of the press contingent to accompany the President.
The medical service had advised us to keep it a secret, but we wanted it in the open.
God agreed to fulfill both of their wishes. Then God ask the Taiwanese what he wanted.
When the pilot of the airship wanted to leave the ground, he filled the bags with gas.
Decided she wanted to become an actress after being inspired by the film, dirty dancing
We went back to Afghanistan, because the next year was coming, and we wanted to support.
我们回到了阿富汗 应为明年要来了我们想提供支持
The doctor advised him to abstain from drinking if he still wanted to lead a normal life.
医生建议说, 如果他还想过正常生活的话, 他必须戒酒。
I walked into my office in the morning with a vague sense of what I wanted to accomplish.
早晨走进办公室时, 我隐约地知道自己想要做成什么事。
Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to accounts with his servants.
因此, 天国好像一个王, 要和他的仆人算帐。
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