单词 turn about 例句大全,用单词turn about造句:

The two brothers always bicker about whose turn it is to wash the dishes.
Students are encouraged to turn out vivid description about the folk tale.
The couple was quarreling furiously about whose turn it was to cook the dinner.
Learn about how women turn in Merengue dancing in this free dance lesson video.
Go this way about ten minutes. When you see a motor car advertisement, turn left.
to turn about the vertical axis. Used of an aircraft,a spacecraft,or a projectile
Nina tips off Jamey about Mason's interrogation, entrusting her not to turn Jack in.
He helped his grandmother turn on the electric blanket when they were about to sleep.
When the weight begins to jiggle, turn the heat down low and cook for about 45minutes.
She was about to turn back when something about the bloated face struck her as familiar.
This disintegration, in turn, reveals the truth about the citta, the truth about Dhamma.
Please do not turn your back on proposal, I think you could take a consideration about it.
The Empirical Studies about Difference of Quote by Round Turn and Its Determinative Factor
I, in turn, eventually took one of my daughters, Lilly, toShenandoah when she was about 13.
Let's now turn to Councillor moore's question about the provision of services for the elderly.
Then but she immediately added a turn today not said to talk about business to take her to drink.
Biological siblings raised apart turn out about as similar as biological siblings raised together.
RARE is the governor so passionate about a piece of legislation that she offers to turn chauffeur.
Fiddler crabs that run about at the edge of the sea darken during the daytime and turn pale at night.
I don't know, but that is something we can talk about when we turn this damn place into an actual home.
我不知道 等我们先把家 收拾出个样子再说。
Turn heat up to medium and simmer gently, uncovered, for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and cool slightly.
Turn off the boiler and press the dosage bottom to let the water flow through the handle for about ten seconds.
按开左上端出咖啡按钮, 让热水流过手柄十多秒。
With a little forethought and oversight, fears about synthetic biology should turn out to be equally unfounded.
只要有一点深谋远虑, 合成生物的威胁就可以忽略不计。
Strategic Thinking of Working Hard to Bring about a Decisive Turn for the Better in Economic Construction in Jiangxi
In turn, one of the amphibians possessed the remains of a digested bony fish that was about four inches long during life.
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单词 turn about 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)转过身来;反复思考;掉头;扭转  [更多..]



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