单词 turn out 例句大全,用单词turn out造句:

Will you still care for me, darling, if I turn out to be only eleven
亲爱的, 如果我变得只有11岁, 你还会喜欢我吗?
Changes were afoot but we had no idea what they would turn out to be.
正在进行各种变革, 不过我们无法预料结果会如何。
Time might be your ally. But it also might turn out to be your enemy.
It may turn out to be something that looks a little like that amoeba.
A childhood that had caused him to turn out feckless and improvident.
How can we turn out new product solely by having these damned meetings
Plans have been made to turn out more plastic products for agriculture.
己做好计划, 生产更多农用塑料产品。
Industry analysts say it is hard to predict how all this will turn out.
And what if the poor test results do turn out to be linked to marijuana
Im not being superstitious, but his predictions turn out to be accurate.
People you wouldn't normally acknowledge turn out to be the friendliest.
The additional returns achieved during the boom turn out to be illusory.
在繁荣期得到的所谓额外收益, 不过是美梦一场。
Lights out. Turn out normal lights and work under a light red safelight.
I'm afraid our present course of action may turn out to be a blind alley.
the combination of private interests turn out to be the public interests.
The result will definitely turn out to be just the opposite of their wish.
It is also the time when a bad strategic decision can turn out to be fatal.
Hannah's biggest worry now is that her daughter will turn out to be a tomboy.
If a man pampers his servant from childhood, he will turn out to be stubborn.
如果一个人自幼溺爱纵容他的仆人, 他将变得顽固而执拗。
It may turn out to be a way that you communicate your feelings to each other.
Let cool infor 10 minutes,then turn out onto a wire rack and cool completely.
This could turn out to be quite a memorable, happy time for you, dear Pisces.
If I had known youd turn out like this, I never would have given birth to you.
早知道这样, 当初就不该生你。
The final journey, ends up to turn out orphaned shade accompanying unavoidably.
What I am being blamed for, it turn out, is my overestimation of my performance.
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单词 turn out 释义

  • 单词释义:结果是;关掉;制造;出席  [更多..]



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