单词 tear up 例句大全,用单词tear up造句:

And I watched them being locked up in prison and tear gassed.
This cloth is designed to stand up to a lot of wear and tear.
I'll just sew up that tear, and the coat will as good as new.
我把刁衣的破处缝好, 就会完好如忻了。
Then we find the edge of the tear and close it up with sutures.
然后我们找到撕裂的边缘, 用缝线缝合。
I'll just sew up that tear, and the coat will be as good as new.
I suggest that you tear up the composition and start over again.
He told the lawyer to tear up the old contract and prepare a new one.
She turned aside, while a tear welled up in each eye at this reminder.
This new type of carpet stands up to the wear and tear of continual use.
I believe the unions intend to tear up the agreement with the government.
We shall need to evaluate how the new material stands up to wear and tear.
I believe the government intends to tear up the agreement with the unions.
My Dad looked at me for the longest time, and his eyes started to tear up.
My Dad looked at me for the longest tine, and his eyes started to tear up.
Our shredder is broken, so I'll tear any confidential documents up manually.
I saw the police using tear gas to try and break up a crowd of demonstrators.
Riot police eventually broke up the demonstrations with water cannons and tear gas.
I will abolish this revolutionary spirit and will tear it up by the roots!he thought.
Our paper break machine is broken, so I have to tear these secret documents up hands.
我们的碎纸机坏掉了, 所以我会徒手将这些机密文件撕碎。
It's a symbolic gesture. I tear up the script, I go and I panic myself, I get scared.
He accused ministers of conniving with foreign companies to tear up employment rights.
Policemen used tear gas to break up a demonstration of black high school students today.
今天, 警察使用了催泪弹来驱散黑人中学生的示威。
Club Answer tonight with Jeff Fraserand Greg Thorstad. We’re gonna go tear da club up!!
His mother not only took the comic book away but also threatened to tear it up into a million pieces.
他妈妈不只把漫画没收, 还威胁要把它撕个粉碎。
The judge suggested that Shylock take the money that was offered by Bassanio and tear up the agreement.
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单词 tear up 释义

  • 单词释义:撕成碎片;挖开(地面等);撕掉;撕毁  [更多..]



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