单词 speak of 例句大全,用单词speak of造句:

But, in accordance with Dantes's request, he began to speak of other matters.
但是为了顺从邓蒂斯的请求, 他开始谈起其他的事来。
To speak of that agonising and joyous time was evidently necessary to Natasha.
这个既苦涩又甜蜜的故事, 虽然对娜塔莎来说是她所需要的。
Ah, your great occasion of nation go where, also went out to play, speak for me!
If you are going to speak of Miss Brawne, we have never agreed and cannot agree.
It would be an anachronism to speak of George Washington riding in an automobile.
Yellowed newspapers like the big windows anaemia woman, no brilliant to speak of.
And when love speak, the voice of all thd gods makes heaven drowsy with the harmony.
当爱说话时, 众爱的声音使苍天沉浸在和谐的静寂中。
In the classifieds, one of our competitors is advertising for people who speak Japanese.
在分类栏里, 我们的竞争对手之一在招聘会日语的人。
From India to Pakistan, people speak out in the aftermath of the deadly terrorist attacks.
从印度到巴基斯坦, 人们谈论着致命的孟买恐怖主义袭击。
When we speak of the Temple of Heaven we are actually referring to the Circular Mound Altar.
Most of the ethnic Chinese can speak Myanmar language and have adopted Bamar names and dress.
Have the aid of this one platform, the disabled of all over the country can speak out freely.
The best course of action is to always speak to a tax advisor regarding any type of home loan.
My admirable Daddy, I would rather know you and not be able to speak a word of French at all.
His father would sit at the west end of the house, and refused to speak everytime he was angry.
of or relating to the African people who speak one of the Bantoid languages or to their culture
When his accusers got up to speak, they did not charge him with any of the crimes I had expected.
This algorithm developed out of Switzerland by people, none of whom speak or understand any Chinese.
这个算法开发于瑞士 没有一个人懂汉语
Must speak of, certainlymust achieve does not blow off the artillery, cannot achieve ratherdid not say.
The amount of sentences you can speak, not the amount of words you know, will determine your English level.
If we don't speak of our achievements, they won't run away. If we don't find out our faults, we'll be in a bad way.
The scientific term of absolute temperature is different from the"temperature" we speak of in our daily life.
Our world has stretched its borders and every person wanting to take advantage of that shift needs to know how to speak English.
I saw abundance of parrots, and fain I would have caught one, if possible to have kept it to be tame, and taught it to speak to me.
And it's a very powerful and poignant reminder of how the beauty of music has the ability to speak where words fail, in this case literally speak.
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单词 speak of 释义

  • 单词释义:谈到, 讲到;显示出…;说到;谈起  [更多..]



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