单词 walk through 例句大全,用单词walk through造句:

Let's walk through the client side sequence diagram in more detail.
The faithful will walk through streams of fire and emerge unscathed.
After visiting the Forbidden City they took a walk through the town.
I'll walk this dog right through that six part series on the Balkans.
Are you smart enough to walk through all Egypt land full with puzzles?
She was a woman ganging a wee bit gleed in her walk through the world.
Walk through the tight encirclement of submerged rock and dangerous shoal
Do you want to help them walk through the hardship, depress and hopeless
I walk through fields of shiny wet grass and pick out diamonds in the dew.
我走过水般晶莹的草地, 脚步不停抹去那钻石般的露珠。
Probably they will make us walk through metal detectors like at the airport.
In a cafeteria, you walk through a line selecting your meal as you go along.
在自助餐厅中, 你沿着一条线, 边走边挑选你的食物。
Every time you walk through the Centers gate, remember that you are a Saint.
In a cafeteria, you walk through a line selecting your meals as you go along.
在自助餐馆, 你排队向前走, 边走边选取想吃的东西。
He closed a head gate, so that the moat dried up, and she could walk through.
这样一来, 壕中得水干了, 姑娘就可以走到果园去了。
He closed a head gate, so that the moat dried up, and she could walk through.
这样一来, 壕中的水干了, 姑娘就可以走到果园去了。
You can walk through the zebra crossing only when the traffic lights turn green.
be so passive about it, as we are when we walk through endless rooms of museums.
I know he will walk through fire for me, and he walks through fire for you, too.
What was going through your mind when you saw the USA walk away with only bronze?
He to walk along the brook, through every willow tree and walk up to the mountain.
In this section, let's walk through the steps to set up advanced query statistics.
Don't walk through desert puddles, mud holes, or disturb surface water in any way.
不要以任何方式穿过沙漠里的水坑和泥坑, 或搅动表层水。
The past, like the country through which we walk, becomes indistinct as we advance.
He would carry a shotgun on his shoulder and walk about for hours through the woods.
他会背着猎枪, 在森林里走上数小时。
The visitors, brought by planes, trains, and buses, walk through the city in groups.
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单词 walk through 释义

  • 单词释义:步行穿过(某处);马马虎虎地演(戏、角色等);<非正>轻而易举地通过(考试等);敷衍了事地做完  [更多..]



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