单词 stand by 例句大全,用单词stand by造句:

We would not stand by while the balance shifted against us.
在均势变得不利于我们时, 我们不会听之任之。
Meet him and stand by him in toil and in sweat of thy brow.
去迎接他, 在劳动里, 流汗里, 和他站在一起罢。
They received assurances that the Union would stand by them.
The British would never stand by and let him call the shots.
英国人决不会靠边站, 而让他发号施令的。
Go back and stand by the manual release for the landing claw.
Hillary Clinton flew to Dhaka this month to stand by Mr Yunus.
I won't stand by while you risk your life for the woman I love.
The captain ordered the sailors to stand by to cast the anchor.
How can you stand by and watch your son beat the younger child?
Americans wouldn't stand by if we'd done nothing on afghanistan.
He was speechless with anger, and could only stand by helplessly.
Rectify stand posture, never stand by shelf, chat and hang about.
It shows signs of being assertive and able to stand by a decision.
这也显示出孩子坚持己见, 并能够坚守自己的决定。
He confirmed that his government would stand by the NATO decision.
Lord, lift me up and let me stand, By faith, on Heavens tableland.
i stand by u silently to protect u all the time, in a daze blankly.
我一直静静的守护在你身边, 傻傻的发呆。
I can stand by my pillar of hope its just a case of Flash delirium.
Baboon services for insurance company and he has to stand by all days.
在外面还好, 一到屋子里, 常常就没有信号。
Sunday mornings my mother would bake. I'd stand by the fridge and help.
We must not stand by with folded arms when people damage state property.
当人们损害国家财产时, 我们决不能袖手旁观。
How could you stand by and let an innocent man be dragged off to prison?
你怎么能眼睁睁 让一个无辜的人当替罪羊呢?
Stand by your woman and offspring for the next eighteen years, at least.
在接下来的最少18年以内, 你要陪伴在你的老婆孩子身边。
Choose adventure and refuse common can make you stand by the former camp.
I stand by my observation on the educational system in the United States.
Please hold the rail tightly and stand by right side when taking escalator.
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单词 stand by 释义

  • 单词释义:支持;准备行动;信守诺言;站在旁边  [更多..]



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