单词 stay to 例句大全,用单词stay to造句:

They are to stay alive, to earn a living, to not become HIV positive.
而是如何生存,谋生 不得艾滋病。
Stay before computer long pull, shoulder is met very ache, how to do ?
He is determined to work twice as hard to stay ahead of his collegues.
Aaron had to have to stay behind wai has injured foot's Algeria and UK.
The closer you stay to nature, the more you will appreciate her Beauty.
He decided to abridge his stay here after he received a letter from home.
I'd like to stay here looking at you for ever, but I must stop acting now.
He advised me to write a doctoral dissertation and stay to work in France.
Yesterday afternoon I had to stay at home to look after my younger brother.
During the absence of the star light, who will be the one to stay by his side?
To accounting, correspondence and other administrative work to stay the night.
把会计, 书信等行政工作留到夜晚。
Troops have agreed to stay within specific boundaries to avoid confrontations.
Do not stay home all day doing nothing can only lead to accelerated brain aging.
不要整天呆在家里无所事事, 这只能使大脑老化的速度加快。
It's perhaps harder than ever before, to stay calm, to be free of career anxiety.
但却比以前更难保持冷静 或不为事业感到焦虑
Some of the completion of the project, they often set aside, to stay after to do.
一些本该完成的项目, 他们往往搁置, 留到以后做。
The secret of keeping everything to me, to my memories to stay a little additive.
Hoping you're feeling preferable eVery abundance day and will soon be well to stay.
愿你一天比一天更好, 早日痊愈, 康健常保。
Three to five million people are unable to access basic requirements to stay alive.
He had to stay at home but turned it to his advantage by catching up on his reading.
Aniston's friend finally said that the actress has taken a resolution to stay single.
The military cordon appeared to be breaking as red shirts defied orders to stay away.
Those of us who were able to stay enjoyed an amazing three days cruise to the Bahamas.
The accounts payable subsidiary helps the company stay current in payments to suppliers.
I will admit that due to the heat and overwhelming humidity I did not stay until the end.
我承认, 由于高温和潮湿我最不留到最后。
The lotus has also appealed to scientists for its ability to resist water and stay clean.
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