单词 stick with 例句大全,用单词stick with造句:

Whatever method you choose, you must consistently stick with it.
无论采用哪种方式, 你都必须要坚持一致。
When my father is angry with me my mother always stick up for me.
If there's not an experienced player, try to stick with the team.
如果其中没有什么经验丰富的玩家, 试着和团队呆在一起。
I stick with Yoga and biking, you may like running and acrobatics.
And I just feel, at last, one with the stick and one with the drum.
Its a small bottle the size of a lip gloss stick with a roll on top.
它实际就是像唇彩棒那样的一小瓶东西, 上面加个滚珠。
With his stick he hit the bell rope again and again with heavy blows.
Such crude methods are much trickier to make stick with the internet.
要在互联网上继续使用这些粗暴的手段, 则要棘手得多。
So, I took a long stick, ready to engage with a stick down the cicada.
于是, 我拿了一根长长的棍子, 准备用棍子把蝉搞下来。
If you stick with it long enough and work at it hard enough, you will.
Stick receive intensity to accord with or exceed a shoe to use a level.
Stick with trendy accessories until you can afford a muchneeded update.
Red meat is higher in cholesterol than chicken so stick with the birds.
She cuts the umbilical cord with a stick, and ties it with her own hair.
她用木棍剪掉了脐带 并用自己的头发把它系了起来
A fishing rod is a stick with a hook at one end and a fool at the other.
钓竿是一端有构子, 另一端有傻子的竹竿。
Go for whole wheat crust if its available. Stick with one or two slices.
如果可以的话, 选择全麦的那种, 只吃一片或两片。
thanks, but Ill stick with some jasmine tea. Im trying to watch my diet.
When Bach would not apologize, the man attacked him with a walking stick.
然而, 巴哈在世时, 却是以一名管风琴师较为人知。
He threw me to the ground and hit me again and again with his heavy stick.
Observing and Nursing of Treating Asthma with TPD Combined with TCM Stick.
Oil painting stick with one end of the paper in colored dots to form a hit.
油画棒得一端纸浅色点, 以形成一个打击。
Well, if you really wanna get drunk tonight, I'd stick with the hard stuff.
如果今晚你想大醉, 我建议来点烈酒。
For the moment, we will stick with the Column chart and click on Next again.
To entice people with a sweeter carrot, or threaten them with a sharper stick.
用红萝卜来吸引人 或是用棍子来威胁人
He screamed with pain and hit his wife several times on the head with a stick.
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单词 stick with 释义

  • 单词释义:继续做;跟着…;插满  [更多..]



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