单词 step down 例句大全,用单词step down造句:

Step down, crawl up into the fetal position, and just try to stay warm from now.
Start standing straight, step forwards and down into a controlled lunge position.
The molded step of the diaphragm should point down towards the relief valve stem.
As a first step, the whole system of society is to be torn down and built up anew.
Her making her way down the littered vestibule stairs, one agonized step at a time.
她用她 降低到处前庭楼梯,一步步的向我走来
But imagine that she should step up and down the two floors of steep stairs everyday.
The reactionaries will never, of their own accord, step down from the stage of history.
Taylor is expected to step down Monday and hand over power to Vice President Moses Blah.
After the scandal over misappropriated funds the chief accountant was asked to step down.
由于滥用专款的丑闻, 总会计师被迫辞职。
Because of skin effect, the temperature of wire cable rise and serious voltage step down.
The emperor stood at the painted step, looking down at the those ministers on their knees.
Whether Mr Persson wins or not, most pundits expect him to step down within a year or two.
You either take a step down the correct career path. Or you fall into a life sucking abyss.
Mr. Zuma didnt mention whether Col. Gadhafi is ready to step down, as rebels have demanded.
It is said that his wife took a erroneous step to drop down from the upstairs, too absently.
听说他老婆失足从楼上掉下去了, 太不小心了。
The improved efficacy of Wuyuan Buxue syrup on mouse memory were observed by step down test.
On the exhale, feel yourself climbing a step or two down the ladder with your imaginary Hands.
呼气时, 感觉你自己跨下一, 两极楼梯, 用你想象的手。
The step of his strength shall be straitened, and his own counsel shall cast him down headlong.
When you get down to business for the sake of fun then you miss a step backward into a negative!
Of course the first step is to be riding down a gentle slope that you are very comfortable with.
However, the existing mechanism, not president to step down as party responsible for the defeat.
不过就现有机制中, 总统不需为党败选下台负责。
The next step is to use bacteria to break down the algae into natural gas and different chemicals.
The president need not step down so long as the elections are held under international supervision.
This is an important and practical step and is the prerequisite for cracking down on people smuggling.
这是重要的实际步骤, 是具体落实打击偷渡活动的前奏。
At the opening ceremony, President Taylor said that he was prepared to step down in the interest of peace.
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