单词 Stocks 例句大全,用单词Stocks造句:

The money enhances corporate profits, making stocks appear more attractive.
这笔钱提升了企业利润, 使股票看上去更具吸引力。
Our new model is already on the stocks and will be available in the autumn.
我们正着手生产一种新得款式, 可望在秋季面世。
Meanwhile, I still have the cash position I raised by selling stocks in April.
According to an example, the Shanghai local stocks continued to soar this week.
据个例子来说, 上海本地股本周持续飙升。
These minor moves occur in accordance with tops and bottoms of individual stocks.
Prevention and Disposal of Unwanted Pesticide Stocks in Africa and the Near East.
London Stock Exchange today, rising stocks and declining stocks was about 2 to 1.
Marine ecosystems have been adversely affected by the overfishing of local stocks.
Some African countries have stocks that predate the ban, which they can also sell.
Coal stocks are already a bubble, real estate stocks is not yet a good conclusion.
煤炭股则已经具备了泡沫, 地产股暂时还不好下结论。
He undersold a large amount of industrial stocks and caused the market to fluctuate.
However, retail shares and commodity stocks offset by the rise of basic stocks fell.
不过, 零售股和商品股的上涨基本抵消了金融股的下挫。
United Nations Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks
Common and preferred stocks, bonds, bills and notes are all types of financial assets.
For discrete high seas fish stocks and associated species information is very limited.
Significant downturn in the index, stocks accelerated Shadie become subject main short.
在指数大幅回落中, 题材个股加速杀跌成为做空主力。
The adventitious roots breaks out profusely on the4 year old stocks grown from suckers.
Be careful of landmines, also to take care of the Annual Report of the shipping stocks.
小心地雷, 更要小心借年报出货的个股。
Coming off Mondays selloff, investors seem to have scant appetite to own more stocks.
Since the agreements had no accumulated stocks, they were powerless to hold down prices.
In addition, the tightening of credit conditions for small stocks particularly hard hit.
In the trading of stocks, the Rhine biological concern, especially to attract investors.
在涨停的个股中, 莱茵生物尤为吸引投资者的关注。
Striker Stocks have been abolished in KOF 2001.Instead, strikers now deplete power stock.
Certainly, counterintuitive moves in airline stocks and others could present opportunities.
ETF. Conducting arbitrage premium, the need to buy a basket of stocks into ETF application.

单词 Stocks 释义

  • 单词释义:[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 斯托克斯 Stock的变体  [更多..]



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