单词 store up 例句大全,用单词store up造句:

And let's set up a meeting with an interior designer for the new store layout.
我们得安排跟室内设计师会面, 讨论新店得装潢格局。
Starbucks opened its flagship store in Mumbai, which can hold up to 118 people.
Brilliance individuality, Elantra store up its potential and wait for break out
A sight to store away, then conjure up someday when they were no longer together
Unique store inner fitting up style, the terminal being that height savours a man.
And was it then that the policemen chased you up to the Hsin Hsin Department Store ?
The store was cleaned out of cigarettes by customers who expected the price to go up.
该店铺得香烟全被顾客买光了, 他们估计烟价要上涨。
The firewood was all wet from the rain, because the store keeper did not cover it up.
When I finally got to the store there was a bunch of people waiting for me to open up.
One of the operation principles of our drug store is to make up medical prescriptions.
When you start to build up a store of vocabulary it is important to use it frequently.
在你开始大量识记单词时, 重要的是要经常去用。
Corduroy was just waking up when the first customers came into the store in the morning.
早晨, 当第一位顾客走近商店的时候, 小熊才刚刚醒来。
Up to that time, Lansbury had been wrapping packages in Bullocks Wilshire Department Store.
尽管拍摄组觉得她长得不够性感, 不适合那个角色。
During the summer months some small animals usually store up nuts to eat during the winter.
Liu can be stated categorically that it is people throwing up in his store on the threshold.
Before you fire up the golf channel, you think maybe you'd make a quick run to grocery store?
Great. Then why don't you, uh, run down to the hardware store And have them mix you up a batch?
太好了,你何不去一趟五金店 多买点回来装呢?
The same person asked me about how much toilet paper they should store up on for emergency use.
Last week, Uniqlo announced a partnership with Taobao to launch set up a virtual flagship store.
The convenience store is being fitted up, it's estimated that it will start business next month.
It can be used to store up to 200 cubic metres of aggregates and 120 tonnes of cement or filler.
The car picks the ball to be rapid, and the automobile body can store up the massive volleyball.
The department store is offering reduction on many types of merchandise, in an effort to drum up.
It will store the location of up to 200 landmarks, in case you want to get back to where you were.
store up the works in famous mountains and reserve to hand them down to those who have a common goal
藏之名山, 传之其人
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单词 store up 释义

  • 单词释义:储存, 积攒;囤;贮藏;收藏  [更多..]



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