单词 up in arms 例句大全,用单词up in arms造句:

He gently scooped her up and placed her in Kristi's arms.
As Clark sat up in bed, he yawned and stretched his arms.
克拉克在床上坐起时, 打呵欠并伸展手臂。
She gathers him up in her big furry arms and cuddles him.
她用毛绒绒的臂膀把他围住, 慈爱的搂着他。
As soon as we asked them for money, they were up in arms.
我们一提出钱的要求, 他们便充满敌意。
The woman picked the baby up in her arms and held it tight.
Go to your feet, lift the child up and hold him in your arms
起来吧, 去把孩子抱回怀中
The country would certainly take up arms in its own defence.
She's uncommon strong in the arms when she's up in this way.
她发作的时候, 两臂的力气非常大。
He caught her behind the sofa and whirled her up in his arms.
Roosevelt was up in arms against Germany in the World War II.
If they stray into our barley field, I take them up in my arms.
The farmers rose up in arms over the reduction in price of corn.
She cried out in fear and flung both arms up to protect her face.
At last the people rose up in arms and defeated the cruel rulers.
The tobacco merchants rose up in arms over the increase in taxes.
Dad is up in arms because you used the car without his permission.
When I tell her I loved the book, her arms shoot up in celebration.
当我告诉她我喜欢这本书, 她拍手庆祝。
I picked him up and cradled him in my arms, as one does a young child.
And it tones muscles, tightening up arms and cinching in that waistline.
The boss is up in arms about the company's poor sales record last month.
The girl's grandmother held her tight in her arms and rose up to the sky.
Lincoln took him in his arms, and an expression of love lit up his sad face.
The public was up in arms about the tax increases proposed by the president.
Dad is up in arms because you used his car without asking for his permission
The whole village is up in arms about the proposal to build an airport nearby.
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单词 up in arms 释义

  • 单词释义:进行武装斗争,竭力反对  [更多..]



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