单词 wind down 例句大全,用单词wind down造句:

Continue your down wind leg, expect right turn shortly.
继续三边飞行, 预计很快右转。
The aircraft is streamlined to cut down wind resistance.
The kitchen clock ran down because we forgot to wind it.
厨房里的钟停了, 因为我们忘了上发条。
Wind was very common rushing both down and up the tunnels.
wind down last night, several trees and a few root apiece.
昨晚大风刮倒了好几棵树, 和几根电灯杆。
When the tree bow down their heads, the wind is passing by.
树低头时候, 就是风吹过了。
The clock has run down again. Did you forget to wind it up?
When the trees bow down their heads, The wind is passing by.
树低头时候, 就是风过了。
Now a sharper lash of wind cut down and they huddled closer.
I hung in the wind a moment before asking leave to step down.
我踌躇了一会儿, 还是请求辞职。
The blacksmith came down the street, three sheets in the wind.
The wind was so strong last night that it blew down that tree.
The wind blows down the leaves, and branches start to get bald.
a warm dry wind that blows down the northern slopes of the Alps.
After the wind died down, the wind also a smooth stone unabated.
It was autumn, and leaves were fluttering down in the light wind.
秋天到了, 树叶在微风中悠悠落下。
As the boat moved down the river the wind began to fill the sails.
船顺河而下, 风逐渐胀满了帆。
So the wind is coming from the bottom. This is slowed down 8 times.
The balloons will add wind resistance and actually slow Smitty down.
I hope the wind keeps down, or the sea will be too rough for sailing.
The wind blew, the rain sheeted down, and the soldiers were all soaked.
As the wind rose to eighty miles an hour, tree after tree crashed down.
It's made of brick but it's strong enough not to be pushed down the wind.
The wind suddenly began to saw down the southeast corner of the dark candle.
The challenge with being productive at night is that it's hard to wind down.
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单词 wind down 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)逐步收缩;(使)降级;(使)逐步结束;放松;放松一下;逐渐平静下来  [更多..]



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