单词 win out 例句大全,用单词win out造句:

Correct ideas will certainly win out against erroneous one.
Our product is sure to win out over that of our competitors.
Of course, we would not miss out the exciting Win Cash Games!
With so many ships out of commission, how can we win this war
这么多船不能用, 我们怎能打胜仗呢
Our product is sure to win out over those of our competitors.
I hope you win their appeal and throw this asinine verdict out.
我希望你可以赢得这场官事, 把这个莫名其妙的判决推翻。
So, how did ability decide win or he is betted is out of the money
那么, 怎样才能确定他赌赢或是赌输了?
There are rumours spreading out everywhere that war win break out.
How a good idea eventually comes to win out over much worse ideas.
He was anxious to win, but he hit the ball out of the ground again.
Or perhaps a businessman's conviction that Sollozzo would win out ?
Perhaps Blair took a leaf out of Thatcher's book - win at all costs.
If you came out here to try to win me back, you can forget about it.
If materialism and holiday cheer were to duke it out, which would win
如果物质主义与假日的欢愉, 两者决斗, 谁会赢?
Out new product is sure to win out over all those of our competitors.
The winning candidate must win at least 270 electoral votes out of 538.
At the last moment, a short man appeared out of nowhere to win the race.
I believe out team will beat them and have a good chance to win the title.
If a conventional war broke out, which one of the two countries would win?
如果发生一场常规战争, 这两个国家中哪个能取胜呢?
Win back the Shenzhou VII, the three astronauts returned to space out all smiles.
He was running for class president, but dropped out when he knew he couldn't win.
From here on out, until we win or die in the attempt, we will always be audacious.
The winning candidate must win at least 270 electoral votes out of a total of 538.
When England got Sobers out, there seemed to be a faint chance dial they would win.
假如英格兰队能使素伯斯出局, 他们还有一线获胜希望。
Bird We are gonna get the ball to Bird, win this thing and get the hell out of here.
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单词 win out 释义

  • 单词释义:最终获得成功;战胜,胜过  [更多..]



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