单词 exercising 例句大全,用单词exercising造句:

More of us are quitting smoking, cutting down drinking and exercising more.
我们中更多人戒烟, 少喝酒并多健身。
Start exercising your faith and walk in the destiny God has planned for you.
开始操练你的信心, 行走在神为你所预备的命定中。
Edwards reminded himself of the several good reasons for exercising restraint.
爱的华兹提醒自己, 几个好的因素去学习约束。
Should we spend all school day studying or set aside some time for exercising?
He is short of breath, even when he has not been exercising, he is breathless.
Joe took a pin out of his lapel and began to assist in exercising the prisoner.
乔从衣服的翻领上取下别针, 开始帮着操练这个小俘虏。
A study on protection of licensees benefit related with exercising patent rights
Should you any discomfort while exercising, please inform the coach immediately.
We should aim high in strengthening and correctly exercising democratic centralism!
我们要在加强和正确执行民主集中制方面, 力争上游!
Existing masks feel like breathing through a blanket while exercising, says Ingber.
Do you experience shortness of breath while you're exercising or exerting yourself?
The research on exercising with the movement controlled by order in taichi teaching
This phenomenon hinders the entire Party from exercising its initiative to the full.
Tears really are like perspiration in that exercising and crying both relieve stress.
锻炼和哭都缓解压力, 在这方面眼泪确实像汗水。
The three rights herein have different exercising procedures and different functions.
After exercising diligently for two weeks, Ken finally reverted to his old lazy ways.
Maintain strong bones by exercising regvlarly and getting enough calcium in your diet.
要保持骨骼健壮, 就应该定期健身并摄入足量的钙。
Exercising and relaxing yourself is often prescribed as an effective cure for fatigue.
Allen is exercising, the exercise he is doing is the sixth set of broadcast gymnastics.
艾伦正在做操, 他做的是第六套广播体操。
May I also assure you of our support and cooperation in exercising this responsibility?
我可否向你确保, 我们支持你履行这一职责并与你合作?
We get knowledge by studying, we get ability by practicing, we have virtue by exercising.
On Priority Exercising when Mortgage Right and Pledge Right Conflict for the Same Chattel
She listens to English songs while exercising, as she feels it's more efficient that way.
Hard Exercising Fundamental Ability for Teaching and Being the Teacher Welcome by Students
Exercising timely and appropriate control to promote stable and rapid economic development.
二适时适度调控, 促进经济平稳快速发展。

单词 exercising 释义

  • 单词释义:锻炼,训练,练习( exercise的现在分词 );锻炼(身体某部位);使焦虑;发挥(作用)  [更多..]



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