单词 bread and water 例句大全,用单词bread and water造句:

The beggar lives only on bread and water.
Soak the white bread in water. Drain and set aside.
白面包用清水浸透, 隔乾水份备用。
A hard biscuit or bread made with only flour and water.
So he went back with him, and ate bread in his house and drank water.
于是神人同老先知回去, 在他家里吃饭喝水。
That they may want bread and water and be astonied and consume away for their iniquity.
Bread and cake in the course of becoming stale lose some water and this is a quality defect.
This is the breakfast two slices of bread, one small piece of bread with raisins and a mug of water bewitched.
早餐是这样的面包两片, 葡萄干面包一小块, 淡茶一杯。
Determination of water activity and pollen particles activity during the process from corbicular pollen to bee bread
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单词 bread and water 释义

  • 单词释义:简单的饮食;粗茶淡饭  [更多..]



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