单词 as is 例句大全,用单词as is造句:

Egg donation is perfectly legal, as is advertising for your own donor.
捐赠卵子是完全合法的, 自己打广告寻找捐助者也一样。
The advantage is that jump shot is not as easy as opponents were sealed.
Your soul is as pule as snow. Your personality is as noble as pine trees!
Your soul is as pule as snow. Your personality is as noble as pine trees!
您的心灵像雪一样纯净,您的品德像青松一样平常 高洁!
As is our custom, we have added several layers of meaning to this article.
You can also allocate space for local variables as is done in the program.
As is known to us, inertia is an absolute quality possessed by all bodies.
Lack of accompanying venous system, as is found in the dorsal finger flaps.
无同名伴行静脉类型, 如指背皮瓣。
The mind, in fact, is as empty, as impermanent, and as transient as a dream.
Love is as sweet as honey, as bitter as pill, as hot as fire and cold as ice
Use of the information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition.
Black and gray is a conservative combo as is medium or light blue and black.
spend as much time with him as you can. this is for your sake as well as his.
尽可能多地陪着他, 这为你们俩都好。
This is a perfectly acceptable color as is a red without any markings at all.
是红色犬的满意的完美的颜色, 整个脸部没有其他任何颜色。
As it is hard to change old attitudes, he is as hot-tempered as he used to be.
As a member, I grieve that Gods family is as divided and as divisive as it is.
作为家庭成员之一, 我为神的家庭四分五裂而感到痛心。
An option with a downside as well as benefits. Fire is as hurtful as healthful.
It is as beautiful and clear as West Sea, It is as tender as betel palm leaves.
We have peaceably assembled here, as is our right, to let these facts be known.
Wearisome as is the fool without brains, the fool with brains is still more so.
What this country is doing in Africa is as much as holding a light to the devil.
And as is it used as a traditional medicine by Americans or just Asia Americans.
In addition, as is the case with all paper money, new bills often stick together.
As is shown in Fig. One, an atom consists of a nucleus and a number of electrons.
如图一所示, 原子由一个原子核和若干个电子组成。
As is often true in algorithm analysis, the devil is in the mathematical details.
和通常算法分析一样, 最麻烦的部分是数学细节。
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单词 as is 释义

  • 单词释义:照现在的样子(指不再作修理或改进)  [更多..]



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