单词 go out to 例句大全,用单词go out to造句:

I really want to go out, but I can’t afford to fail this test.
Assist with AR collection, go out to collect money if necessary.
And I said, Well, actually, I'm not going to go out with anybody.
然后我说 嗯 我不会跟任何一个约会的
The leaders may go out to show the flag and address mass rallies.
这些领导可能会走出来, 打出自己的旗号, 并向群众大会演说。
I normally eat at home, but occasionally I go out to eat as well.
我一般在家吃饭, 偶尔也会出去吃。
I'm afraid you can't. You'll have to go out there and walk around.
We have to go out off the corridor to avoid the very big build up.
Now I just need to go out and get some affiliates interested in it.
I don't want to go out tonight, and in any case we can't afford it.
Jane was willing to accompany you to the park to go out for a walk.
Anne preferred to stay at the dormitory rather than go out with them.
Dont know that he will cant alteration motif not to put me to go out.
You can not leave this room if the doctor does not allow you to go out.
We go out there and we hop in our cars and we drive from place to place.
我们外出时会一跃而进我们的爱车 然后驾车去往目的地
I hate to be alone in the house, but I dare not go out alone after dark.
Jewish Mother I never left you to go out with anybody except your father.
Be accustom as mend, you should also accompany me to go out for a meantime!
做为补偿, 你也应该陪我出去一下吧!
Afterwards, go out for dinner or a drink to discuss your shared experience.
I go out for a long walk when I feel anxious it helps me to work off steam.
He was anxious to go out, and could only put the wet clothes into the dryer.
I decided first to go out on the Murzim's afterdeck for a breath of open air.
He suddenly took it into his head to go out to Australia to stay with his son.
Aha, I will go out strolling to buy something, do not need your accompany, hum!
嘻嘻, 那我自己去逛街啦, 不要你陪, 哼!
The month of August has not ended yet. It is still muggy, let's go out to swim.
Ah, your great occasion of nation go where, also went out to play, speak for me!
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