单词 budge 例句大全,用单词budge造句:

Ahead, however, a glowing budge of silver shone like a beacon.
Once the president had made a decision, no one could budge him.
一旦总统做了决定, 没人能使他改变决定。
The scale wont budge for the first few weeks, but dont give up.
这个程度在开始的几周不要变动, 不要放弃。
The Americans are adamant that they will not budge on this point.
Men offered odds of two to one that Buck could not budge the sled.
I've tried everything to persuade her but she won't budge an inch.
I felt there was no way to make him budge, so I changed my tactics.
We tried to negotiate a lower price but they wouldnt budge an inch.
我们试图把价还低一些, 但他们寸步不让。
Manage and monitor the budge and expenses of the assigned department.
Mr Severin has been booed in parliament. But he is refusing to budge.
即使塞维林被抨击, 但他拒绝做出让步。
The Facts Surpasses Declamation, Cooperation Beter than Refuse to Budge
Heres another place where Apple apparently wont budge off its high horse.
As I stood up to walk out and began to pull Beau away, he wouldn't budge.
可是我起身要拽博走的时候, 它却动也不动。
Zhang Fei yelled and screamed for several days, but Yan Yan would not budge.
张飞叫了几天阵, 可严颜就是死守不出。
Juventus striker Raffaele Palladino is refusing to budge from the Turin club.
He even tried kicking the huge lump of gold.But again it wouldnt budge an inch!
他还试着去推这块金子, 金子还是一动不动。
Greek lorry drivers went on strike in protest, but the government did not budge.
希腊的货车司机罢工抗议, 但政府不为所动。
The former refuses to budge from the home corner, the latter has no home at all.
He tickled gently at its glossy carapace, but the stubborn beetle would not budge.
Damn them all! They didn't even budge, and nobody could even see a scratch on them.
可他妈的? ? 居然纹丝不动, 安然无恙。
For quite some time, neither party was willing to budge from its original position.
Liverpool refuse to budge on their settled asking price for the Italy international.
Adams was clearly not going to budge without first talking directly to the president personally.
亚当斯在总统亲自和他交谈之前, 显然寸步不让。
Over the years, the four islands between Japan and Russia refused to budge on the question of attribution.
长期以来, 日俄两国在四岛归属问题上互不让步。
ResponsibilitiesReport to Financial Controller. Manage all aspects of daily financial and accounting operations including bookkeeping, budge.

单词 budge 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)稍微移动;(使)改变主意,(使)让步;(立场等)动摇;推动  [更多..]



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