单词 buddhism 例句大全,用单词buddhism造句:

and he worshipped Buddhism, studying Buddhism and delivering all living creatures from torment.
Later, when metaphysics and buddhism arose in Wei Jin period, the shape and bearing of an object.
魏晋时期玄佛兴起, 理沟通了形与神。
Being artistic modality of Tibetan Buddhism, fete dance of Tha Kung is a kind of religious dance.
Furthermore, they may hold the key to historical facts about the development of Buddhism in Asia.
而且, 它们可能是了解佛教在亚洲发展的历史史实的钥匙。
The Foreign Buddhism Culture Origin on the Motif of Aircraft and Supernatural Stepped Craftsmanship
According to the size of casting copper buddhism portrait, the method for stage division is proposed.
Thirdly, the general trends of the development of the alliance between modern Buddhism and Aesthetics.
He believes in Buddhism, recites Buddhist scriptures, and abstains from eating meat and fish year round.
Among faith, understanding, practice and actualization taught in Buddhism, the most fundamental is faith.
Distinctions and Similarities of the Philosophy of Life in Confucian School and Taoist School and Buddhism
Langmusi monasteries of Tibetan Buddhism, the early years have been very popular after becoming depressed.
Zen, a type of Buddhism, stresses meditation as a means to attain enlightenment about the world around you.
It becomes a mean by which the follower of the Esoteric Buddhism can achieve selfpurification of his nature.
它成为一种意思, 通过它密教信徒能够达到自我天性的净化。
The terracotta, stone sculptures, bronzes of Indian, and the Central Asian paintings and sculptures of Buddhism.
Drew lessons from various thoughts of the excellent schools, Absorded the essence of Confucians, Buddhism and Taoism.
The Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism, which is different from all other Esoteric Buddhisms, makes the Tibetan Buddhism unique.
密宗是与所有其它的密宗不同, 使得西藏佛教独特。
The Impact of Buddhism and Taoism in Tang Dynasty on Landscape Poetry from Philosophical Horizon and Aesthetic Experience
Based on it, the paper focuses on analyzing the spread of Buddhism, Nestorianism and Taoism in the Tang Dynasty in China.
The island has become an attraction not only to devout believers in Buddhism but also to tourists both Chinese and foreign.
The main character of Esoteric Buddhism is the high degree organization of the auspiciousness, rituals and secular beliefs.
The Buddhism monographic film called The Mercy Boat that he directed for the Dharma Assembly was well received by the devotees.
The event of hui chang fa nan was a turning point in development of Buddhism, since then, Buddhism walked into difficult position.
Second, to analyze the changes of Metaphysical Poetry style from the spread of Buddhism and Taoism and the acceptance by the scholars.
The Psychology of Adoring Buddhism of the People in Dunhuang Area from the Inscriptions of Transcribing Sutras in the Northern Dynasties
The period of Dunhuang under the reign of The ancient tibet is the the important historical stage in Chinese and The ancient tibet esoteric buddhism exchange.

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