单词 build 例句大全,用单词build造句:

Run the Country According to Law and Build a Socialist Country Under the Rule of Law
The build up of dead cells can also contribute to blockage of the pores causing acne.
It is relatively easy to acquire the necessary materials and build your own seismometer.
Often, change in any build property requires complete reconfiguration of the build tree.
You are not a Software Engineer. You do not build skyscrapers. You do not build bridges.
With aureate as the impression, going up daub of eyelid big range, build abstruse feeling.
以金色作为底色, 在上眼皮大范围涂抹, 营造深邃感。
Over time, we can build great character achieve great success, and cultivate great virtue.
时间可以造就人格, 可以成就事业, 也可以储积公德。
And then you can break down each country in terms of the actual datasets that build into it.
然后你可以将每个国家 按实际多数据集分开看。
The acceptance phase is designed to help build a positive perception of the companys direction.
And the question is, you know, will someone accidentally build a robot that takes over from us?
After a long period, they can actually build mathematical models derived from the accumulated data.
And build, acquired many modern production facilities, development reserve strength is quite great.
Running out of coastline to build hotels Build vast artificial islands with120km of new beachfront.
Just should start to talk accusatorial, the old man says later again, had you ridden to build motor?
One must not rely on the enemys failure to attack, but on ones ability to build an invincible defense.
Stack up and build your House of Cards! The more patience and accuracy you show, the higher you build.
The creation of the great castle was due to Louis XIV who abandoned the Louvre to build a royal palace.
There is a plan to build six academic high schools,164 vocational colleges and65 comprehensive schools.
You will work with preparing your intellectual, rational mind to build the bridge to your abstract mind.
A plait hundreds of years, close a door to build a car to play, ascend country a day a dynasty greatness.
一条辫子数百年, 关着门造着车玩, 上国天朝何伟大。
In order to build public transport services brand, excellent service characteristics to build brand credibility.
Important Lesson There are an abundance of amazing people out there for you to meet and build relationships with.
But their practical experiences on the ground have enabled them to acquire expertise and to build their capacities.
Solution Developers are immediately notified upon a build breakage and make it a top priority to fix a broken build.
Notwithstanding thou shalt not build the house; but thy son which shall come forth out of thy loins, he shall build the house for my name.

单词 build 释义

  • 单词释义:建造;创立;发展;逐渐增强  [更多..]



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