单词 bulge 例句大全,用单词bulge造句:

At all times, listen for the assembly bulge call. Retreat when you hear it.
不管几点钟, 以集结号为令。随时准备撤退。
Tom took Brendans hand and pressed it against the bulge in his track pants.
汤姆拿着布伦丹的手, 把它压在他胀起的短裤上。
Their bellies, however, may bulge with eggs, giving them a round appearance.
The Battle of the Bulge had political consequences of the, greatest magnitude.
Why does the woman like grand bosom? What does is bulge big bosom have to use?
Therefore, the bile acid can also prevent bulge and the abdomen swelling and etc.
因此, 胆汁酸还能够预防气胀与腹肿胀等疾病。
Additionally the female has a stout antinode bulge, if it carries eggs in itself.
For example, if you bend your arm, your bicep muscles contract and bulge out.
In this area the abdominal muscles have weakened this results in a bulge or a tear.
这部分腹壁的肌肉力量变弱, 会造成隆起或者撕裂。
Test and research on hydraulic bulge of stainless steel lining of high pressure reactor
Research on the Formation of Bulge Strain and Internal Crack during Bloom Solidification
The hat brim is smaller or has not the style of hat brim will bulge your characteristic.
The landing gear bay doors bulge slightly by design to handle the larger wheels and tires.
Hill committed to the athletic first bulge, which involves hard cranks with minimal footholds.
第一个巨大得突岩, 包含困难得裂隙及小得踏足点。
Mechanics Model and Experimental Researches on Hydraulic Bulge Lining of High Pressure Reactor
The problems such as bulge and land slide did not take place in construction period of the dam.
His cheeks bulge as pressed by the fruit in the mouth from which the munching noise come at times.
Bras that are too small in the cup will compress the breasts and force them to bulge out the sides.
胸罩罩杯太小会压迫到胸部, 迫使胸部涨出胸罩边缘。
Intraoperative Acute Brain Bulge Induced by Delayed Epidural Hematoma in Patients with Head Injuries.
And the echo boom the demographic bulge made up of babyboomer offspring is entering prime renting age.
Bulge Bracket The group of firms in an underwriting syndicate who sold the largest amount of the issue.
The influence of structure and classified number of backup guide rolls in CCM on the deformation of slab bulge
New Development of Hydraulic Bulge of Retaining Rings and Application in production of Hydraulic Bulge with the External Pressed Liquid.
Then Lu Xun took another drink, and before long, the veins on his forehead began to bulge, he stared angrily as if about to explode, and the hairs of his moustache stood on end.
The loss of scientific spirit, for a nation, does not only mean keeping company with ignorance and sedition. Bleak scientific rationality is proportional to a radical bulge in utilitarianism.

单词 bulge 释义

  • 单词释义:膨胀;凸出部分;暴涨,突增  [更多..]



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