单词 commendable 例句大全,用单词commendable造句:

Lolas continence in the face of such a lavish and indulgent environment is commendable.
Shao Yong is a high quality of jurisprudence, he has to create a number of commendable.
Russia's efforts and determination to fulfil its disarmament obligations is commendable.
The family harmonious atmosphere is commendable. Try to make it go smooth with your best.
I would also like to express appreciation to the Monitoring Group for its commendable work.
I can understand the pain, and really commendable job on your part for making everything up.
我可以理解的痛苦, 真正值得称道的工作, 您提出的一切行动。
Young have the momentum demonstrated by the commendable, but left all the more worrying still is.
小将们表现出来的冲劲可嘉, 但留给大家更多的仍是担心。
The senior official scene drinks the milk, takes to us is the commendable courage and the confidence.
This is most commendable, but it may prove to be more difficult to accomplish than originally envisaged.
这非常可嘉, 但是可能证明比原先设想的更难实现。
The willingness of Croat leaders to make a constructive contribution to the peace process is commendable.
The development of the wave in the world today, the Hakka style remains, renowned achievements commendable feats.
在当今世界发展浪潮中, 客家人风采依然, 卓有建树, 功勋可嘉。
Such a thing even at that time was very commendable, we can see the difficulties of changes in customs and traditions.
On the one hand, it is commendable that the Nepalese have chosen to establish a democratic republic as their form of Government.

单词 commendable 释义

  • 单词释义:值得表扬的,值得称赞的;很好的;可推荐的  [更多..]



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