单词 flashback 例句大全,用单词flashback造句:

The event that lead up to the murder is show in a series of flashback.
酿成谋杀案的原因, 是通过一系列倒叙手法来表现的。
SQL flashback table BINSVV3sFEKRLzgQKjAXAASsw0 to before drop rename to t2 2
如果不知道表名, 直接从回收站闪回。
It was about an old man on his deathbed looking back on his life in flashback.
If the author uses flashback, symbols, or figurative language, make note of it.
注意作者使用倒叙, 象征或形象语言的地方。
For a real flashback, check out the accompanying article from that issue here.
The Vampire Diaires will flashback to 1864 one more time before this season concludes.
在第二季结束之前, 吸血鬼日记将再次闪回到1864年。
Still, Tyler should be a lot more careful now that he knows, through the power of FLASHBACK!
If he's crying it's probably because he's having a flashback to being humiliated in the past.
Briefly on Flashback of Spacetime Structure in Ci by the Adherents of the Southern Song Dynasty
He did have a flashback moment to his early days with an overthehead dunk in the fourth quarter.
You must enable row movement on a table in order to perform a flashback table operation on the table.
On the narrative patterns, the limited narration, first person narration and flashback came into being.
The narrative approach widely used in her novels is storytelling and flashback and narration interposed.
The normal passage of time may be interrupted by a flashback to an earlier time or a flash forward to a future time.
On the basis of above research, the main factors affecting the flashback characteristics of premixed combustion are investigated.

单词 flashback 释义

  • 单词释义:闪回,倒叙;药效幻觉重现  [更多..]



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