单词 build into 例句大全,用单词build into造句:

Current practice is for developers to build the cost of waste into the budget.
The acceptance of these arguments will build legal plunder into a whole system.
Usually when were six months or so into a recovery, confidence begins to build.
Failing that, the Rockets will try to build on their run heading into the break.
It took many months to build the new bomber, and now it is ready to be put into commission.
Now we are devoting ourselves to build our enterprise into an export base for spring washer.
And then you can break down each country in terms of the actual datasets that build into it.
然后你可以将每个国家 按实际多数据集分开看。
We must pull up ourselves, turn grief into stength, do the earthquake relief and build a new home.
So people continue to flee into neighboring countries, and we build refugee camps for them in the desert.
In the current system, it is also not possible to build a specific inflation rate into the budget estimates.
在现行制度下, 也无法在预算中计入某一具体的通货膨胀率。
Develop Folk Customs in the Ancient Capital of Southern Song Dynasty and Build Hangzhou into the Leisure Capital
Developers and property companies are using sandbags to build an embankment for sewage flowed into people's homes.
The Method as well as Its Application to Build Digital Topographic Maps into Database Based on Geographic Feature Encoding
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单词 build into 释义

  • 单词释义:使成为…的一部分  [更多..]



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