单词 building site 例句大全,用单词building site造句:

The groundwater in the building site will not erode the foundation concrete.
场址的地下水, 对房基混凝土砼无侵蚀。
The owners intend to raze the hotel and erect an office building on the site.
Establishing civilized building site, key on probing and practice continually
文明工地创建, 贵在持续改进的探索及实践
Establishing civilized building site, key on probing and practice continually.
The PAD is outraged that Cambodia is building on disputed land around the site.
The ancillary building with 198 sqm area is in a separate building in the site.
The Government has ruled out the building of a new airport on a greenfield site.
The construction workers are building temporary houses on the construction site.
Plans for a new building at the World Trade Center site are still the drawing board.
On the building site, there was a lot of limestone soil piled up for house building.
The design of the program for calculating the volume of earth and stone in building site
Our building plans suffered a setback when a strong typhoon destroyed our building site.
The lands that increased continuously are the paddy field, building site, sandy woodland.
持续增加的是水田, 建筑用地, 有林沙地。
Herdsmen and herdswomen are building tents with domed roofs in the site of their new home.
A construction site across from the historic Capitol Records building near Sunset and Vine.
A heavy lorry was floundering around in the thick mud at the entrance to the.building site.
The Singapore Flyer, a giant Ferris wheel, looks down on the vast expanse of building site.
Take critical site dimensions to ensure tolerances and clearance to other building site work.
Land and Building Advisory Committee discussed the proposed Integrated Site Supervision System
A construction worker pushes a plank which boards up to enclose the building site in Shanghai.
The hardcore for the slab consists of demolition rubble from the previous building on the site.
It hasn't been confirmed with me but I heard that they also took some of the materials in the building site.
据未经证实的消息, 我听说他们还拿走了一些建筑材料。
The basic scenario is a building site in which the artefact under construction is set in the middle of the lot.
Right there, the courtyard dubbed the golden district now became a bustling construction site for apartment building.
For this parlance I always the felling be ridiculous and connect to sell mutton the string all want to examine site of building.
对于这个说法我一直感觉很可笑, 连卖羊肉串都要看风水。
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