单词 Buffett 例句大全,用单词Buffett造句:

During the conversation, Rose broaches the topic of Buffett raising his offer.
Later that day Rose calls Buffett to discuss the structure of the deal further.
当天晚些时候, 罗斯致电巴菲特进一步讨论交易的结构。
On the face of it, Mr. Buffett's gambit looks both unwise and uncharacteristic.
But even Buffett couldnt entirely insulate himself from modern financial methods.
While the hand, another investment expert, Mr. Buffett is to invest to see a profit.
而与此相对, 另一投资高手巴菲特先生看到的是投资获利。
But the real secret to Buffett's personal fortune may be his penchant for frugality.
Buffett again would like to know the most private and intimate story, courage It read.
又让想了解巴菲特最隐秘故事的人, 鼓起勇气把它读完。
But Buffett whether to become the winner once again Perhaps only then again at chapter.
Whether or not Mr Buffett is in fact as irreplaceable as it suggests is beside the point.
Buffett assistant Carrie Kizer confirmed that Buffett recorded the video at Li's request.
嘉莉凯泽巴菲特的助手证实, 巴菲特记录在李的要求视频。
Buffett makes his decisions on the basis of fundamental analysis and a fantastic gut feel.
Mr. Sokol, after discussing the deal with Messrs. Buffett and Abel, decided to make an offer.
I wish I could learn the investing secret Warren Buffett has that has made him a billionaire.
Watch Small Expenses Buffett invests in businesses run by managers who obsess over the tiniest costs.
Mr. Buffett has previously expressed disdain for privateequity buyouts that employed excessive leverage.
Mr. Buffett, in his news conference, said the company will try to minimize mistakes we make in the future.
巴菲特在新闻发布会上说, 该公司今后将努力减少犯错。

单词 Buffett 释义



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