单词 digging machine 例句大全,用单词digging machine造句:

A tool or machine used for digging or excavating.
挖掘器, 挖掘机用于挖掘或采掘的工具或机器
A tool or machine used for digging or excavating.
Also provide for the distinguished guest digging machine repair.
The company projects a series of rotating machinery digging machine.
It's too slow for to dig out earth manually, so let's use the digging machine.
用人工挖土太慢了, 咱们还是使用挖土机吧。
The frozen ground will have to be picked up by hand before machine digging can begin.
Mainly used in the farming machine over 80 horsepower for digging and breaking operations.
主要用于80马力以上动力的耕作机上, 翻土打碎作业。
Technique practice on moving ahead to kilometres every month of cutting face of machine digging
Mainly used in the farming machine with medium or small horsepower for digging and breaking operations.
The Rotary digging machine is the leading domestic and international standards of new construction machinery.
Torsional Vibration Mathematical Modeling of AugerBit Principal Axis of Digging Machine for Tree Planting and Its Solution.
Shallow Talk to Limit a Liquid of Dint to Match the Machine to Take to Anticipate the Application in the Machine in a Heap of Digging Accidentally
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