单词 apartment building 例句大全,用单词apartment building造句:

By the way, what are the requirements for the returning time in this apartment building?
The apartment building located in Guanzhuang with an alien name called Berlin Philharmonic.
房子位于管庄, 名字很洋气, 叫柏林爱乐。
And the project that we're building in Malaysia is apartment buildings for a property developer.
我们在拿来西亚建设的项目 一个开发商的 公寓大楼
There is a cat outside the apartment building that starts to meow and the boys are interested in it.
An apartment building collapses in Istanbul with rescuers pulling two people out of the rubble alive.
When Mr and Mrs Green were first married, they lived in a hole in the wall in a cheap apartment building.
格林夫妇当初结婚时, 住在一栋廉价公寓里, 房子又小又寒碜。
A condominium, or condo for short, is an apartment that is owned by the occupant, not the building owners.
You see, I live on the26th floor of my apartment building, and every morning I do my exercises out on my balcony.
Right there, the courtyard dubbed the golden district now became a bustling construction site for apartment building.
Research and Practice on Constructing Storied Apartment Building Foundations on Frozen Ground during Spring Thawing Time.
This building will invest the construction by ten thousand heir apparent livestock, will be the Shanghai earliest lanai type apartment construction.
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单词 apartment building 释义



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