单词 swat 例句大全,用单词swat造句:

But during the conflict in the Swat Valley, they were captured by Pakistani soldiers.
在斯瓦特河谷冲突中, 他们被巴基斯塔士兵俘虏了。
The Taliban in Swat Valley later claimed responsibility forthe abduction, Xinhua said.
Laurance Livermore National Nuclear Laboratory SWAT team is probably one of the best equiped.
Having basic accurate shooting ability is one of the basic requirements to attend SWAT school.
You cannot run SWAT through Webmin, as your Samba configuration has the Only allow. option set.
Instead, the report said Versoza and Magtibay dispatched a less well trained, poorly equipped SWAT team.
I cried for those innocent people with a lunatic holding them, and the Manila SWAT team seemed incompetent.
我为被疯子劫持的人哭泣, 马尼拉反恐特警队看来不称职啊。
Swat Valley, which is close to the border with Afghanistan, was once one of Pakistans biggest tourist destinations.
The citys motorists, Alex, who is actually a member of an elite SWAT unit, is engaged in a highspeed motorcycle chase.
表面上是电单车手的亚历士, 实际工作是反暴动特警组队员。
LAHORE The military is prepared for housetohouse combat to flush out the Taliban from their urban strongholds in Swat.

单词 swat 释义

  • 单词释义:重拍(苍蝇等);猛击  [更多..]



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