单词 Stingl 例句大全,用单词Stingl造句:

Interestingly, Goose says both Thailand and Cambodia now indicate they are taking steps to accede to the Convention in the near future.
Interestingly enough, despite her strong cockney accent and vernacular, one can often hear aspects of each of those singers vocal repertoire in Winehouses own voice.
尽管如此, 她真正的吸引力还是来自于她的歌曲创作。
I am disgustingly despicable, and I hereby accept all derisions and despises.
Interestingly, the commentary advises the US to be pragmatic towards the actual conditions of Afghanistan.
有趣地是, 评论建议美国对阿富汗的实际情况是实事求是的。
Interestingly, the movements have adopted an eclectic approach to the Agreement.
Interestingly, a number of villagers adopted the technologies at their own expense and effort.
I became lastingly devoted to what I called adventures, concurrently planned and acted.
Interestingly, Sun Zi advocated understanding the weather first before understanding the terrain.
Eugene O'Neill lived a full and beautiful life and the way he died should not affect the way people view his exhaustingly beautiful work.
Interestingly, however, human skin color in southern Africa is not uniform.
不过, 有趣的是, 南非各族群的肤色并不一致。
Interestingly, Martin Lee agreed, and supported the continuation of our trade relationship.
有趣的是, 李柱铭同意并支持我们延续两国的贸易关系。
Interestingly, Advani saw his own film for the first time on Tuesday.
有趣的是, 艾德华里也只是在星期二才第一次看了这部电影。
Aluminum alloy formed shell, lastingly rustless.
But interestingly, Anonymous does not make use of its hacked information for financial gain.
但有趣的是 匿名者从来不用他们所盗取的信息 进行营利
Interestingly, in the face of the apparent blackmail, Ferrari is finding support.
有趣的是, 在面临明显的讹诈, 法拉利是寻找支持。
Interestingly, once Faith's account got really big, things apparently went south.
有趣的是, 一旦费思的账户变大了, 事情明显就变坏了。
Interestingly, yes didnt even appear in the studys top20 most persuasive words.
Interestingly, those who argued actually saw a lower rise in their morning cortisol levels.
And perhaps most interestingly, can you ascend right up and create environments?
Among other things, this reflects interestingly on the way we think about asset categories.
Now interestingly, there are many legends which are associated with this plant.
有很多有趣的 关于这种植物的故事
Interestingly, this was an atrocious lie.
Interestingly, just a few months ago, I spotted the same monk attending a Pure Land retreat.
有趣的是, 就在几个月前, 我又遇见他参加净土静修。
Interestingly, the texts also attribute earthquakes to the wind property.
有意思得是, 经典上把地震也归因于风元素。
Interestingly, an author may not waive any of the rights provided by copyright.

单词 Stingl 释义



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