单词 square set 例句大全,用单词square set造句:

Square set screws with chamfered end
They set up a red flag on the square.
Try clicking in a set of four that will form a square.
How to Work out the Geometry problems with the Set Square
Tangram wood set! Tangram is usually stored in a square format.
Mixed packing gas chromatography square set and back filling method
On every National Day, fire crackers are set off in Tiananmen Square.
每逢国庆节, 天安门广场上都会燃放烟花。
Canary Wharf was set to provide 10 million square feet of office space.
The Commission therefore agreed to delete the first set of words within square brackets.
I wander that whether I can live a set of 90 square meters around the threeroom apartment or not.
我想助一套90平方米左右三居室的公寓, 不知道可不可以。
The Secretariat's comments are set out in the accompanying footnotes and in the square brackets in bold.
Guangzhou Philatelic Exhibition Center is nearly 1500 square meters, set up three major exhibition hall.
A set of Methods of Constructing Odd Order Magic Square with the Attributes of that their Secondary Pandiagonal Sum is Equal to Magic Sum
Mouth Teeth of good size. Jaws strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i. E. Upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
牙齿排列整齐。上下颚结实, 剪状咬合。
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单词 square set 释义



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