单词 abate 例句大全,用单词abate造句:

The function of lubricant is to abate friction between parts of a machine.
Dreams, you often meet with me, all the regret that it will abate in a dream.
梦里, 你常来与我相会, 所有的遗憾在梦里都能让它消减。
Application of Screening Structures to Abate Noise from Surface Transportation
Dongsang capsule can abate the pathological changes of renal tissue of the model.
He seemed in no way dashed in spirits, nor did he at all abate in his activities.
他的精神似乎始终没有消沉, 他的活动力一点也没有减弱。
Jankulovski worked in the sandpit, while Dida worked apart with Vecchi and Abate.
扬库洛夫斯基练习踩沙坑, 而迪达和韦基, 阿巴特一起练习。
Sterling has recently been strong, which will help to abate inflationary pressures.
Torino think to Abate, in the last season at Empoli and recently redeemed by Milan.
Studies on the residue determination of abate and its usage in mosquito larva control
The grief will not abate soon, but this is not the only difficulty in the time ahead.
Reforming management system of public hospitals to abate medical burden for the people
Gastronintestinal digestion function abate children once again can not excessive edible.
States shall take all appropriate measures to abate the effects of the pollution of aquifers.
Alcohol can promote the absorption of carcinogen, damage the alexipharmic function with abate liver.
However, as a result of current production order decreases, investment demand is further also abate.
In order to abate the burden of tax, the tax revenue planning thus has engendered through utilizing.
为了减轻税负, 税收筹划便应运而生。
Once the force of the leg is abate, the person falls easily, bring about all ones life even bedfast.
腿的力量一旦减弱, 人就容易跌倒, 甚至导致一辈子卧床不起。
Slant as headroom today south what warm damp flows is abate, dusk around rainfall stops gradually.
InSenilePeriod, as the general consenescence of airframe, central nervous system also increasingly abate.
Now I have grown up and I hope that I will abate some burden for my parents, especially the economic burden.
我现在长大了, 也希望替父母减轻一些至少是经济上的负担
Neurasthenic when the inhibition as a result of cerebrum ability is abate, also can produce premature ejaculation.
That differed from the traditional therapy. It could shorten the duration of illness, abate the torment and had a good result.
此与传统治疗方法不同, 可缩短病程, 减轻痛苦, 且效果良好。
Observation on Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate Combined With Radiotherapy to Abate the Pain of Malignant Tumor Patients With Bone Metastasis.

单词 abate 释义

  • 单词释义:减少,减轻;[法]取消法令,作废  [更多..]



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