单词 abolish 例句大全,用单词abolish造句:

The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality.
有人还责备共产党人, 说他们要取消祖国, 取消民族。
To reinstitute the death penalty review does not mean we will abolish capital punishment.
Bow and sword and battle I will abolish from the land, so that all may lie down in safety.
The reply from Armenia indicated that the Government intended to abolish the death penalty.
This is exactly the Kafkaesque world that the prodemocracy protesters were trying to abolish.
It is a great political event in initial stage of the Tang Dynasty to abolish and set up the queen.
In addition, Egypt made efforts to abolish the consular jurisdiction, stimulating patriotic persons.
The State party should take the necessary steps to abolish the death penalty for treason and piracy.
Therefore, we do not have any immediate plan to abolish or suspend the application of death penalty.
For of compensate goosefoot person strand again, must execute the law strictly, abolish malpractice.
We will abolish student loans and restore student entitlement to housing benefit and income support.
In one debate, he could not remember the three departments of state which he had promised to abolish.
在一次辩论中, 他忘了打算废除的三个部的名字。
Therefore propose to abolish the legislative limit of the subjective purpose of the relevant perjury.
I urge the Government of Iraq to abolish capital punishment and implement a moratorium on death sentences.
If this countrys desire to abolish nuclear weapons is genuime, it could raise the iron curtain for evermore.
如果该国消除核武器的愿望是真的, 那就能永远去除铁幕了。
The southern states were defeated in the Civil War and were forced to abolish slavery and set the slaves free.
The Doom guard that is summoned by Pit Lord Doom is now immune to dispel, discenchant, abolish magic and purge.
The citystates newly elected government, formed by the Social Democratic Party, will abolish tuition fees in 2010.
Second, governments should abolish exclusive partnerships between their post office and the money, transfer company.
其次,政府应该要取消 邮局和特定業者的垄断合作。
A voter asks if he supports the Fair Tax, a plan to abolish all income taxes and replace them with a consumption tax.
一选民问他是否支持交易税时, 他说支持。
Does the Security Council have the right to abolish the sovereignty and independence of United Nations Member States?
The agricultural sector should promote advantages and abolish disadvantages and strive for more gains and less pains.
With respect to national justice systems, we especially welcome Rwanda's decision to formally abolish the death penalty.
To reinstate the moratorium on capital punishment and adhere to its commitment to progressively abolish the death penalty
恢复暂缓死刑令, 并遵守逐步废除死刑的承诺
But in the past two centuries, the debate on the existence or abolish of the Capital punishment has been outspread in the academy of criminal law.
但近两个世纪, 死刑存废的论争在全世界刑法学界展开。

单词 abolish 释义

  • 单词释义:vt.废止,废除(法律、制度、习俗等)  [更多..]



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