单词 addition 例句大全,用单词addition造句:

In addition, Egypt made efforts to abolish the consular jurisdiction, stimulating patriotic persons.
In addition, the effect of concentration of acyl chloride on the rate of ammonolysis was very small.
In addition, the wireless ad business that separates numerous medium Ceng Qingli enters rest period.
In addition, each section has a series of formed ribs, which provide the tank with addition strength.
In addition, rush also is high grade papermaking raw material and absolutely good anticorrosive stuff.
Clinical practice of wearing progressive addition lenses to correct refractive accommodative esotropia
In addition acupuncture and auriculotherapy also have better treatment effect to nocturnal make water.
In addition, a necklace, scarf what accessories do embellishment, believed to be the finishing touch oh!
Effects of potassium addition and water supply on xylem embolism in Acer truncatum and Ligustrum lucidum
In addition to her academic interest, she also has interest in participating in local community projects.
In addition to investment, consumption and exports than the actual growth rate in 2008 significantly reduced.
In addition, it is difficult to control the stimulation intensity and the absorbed velocity of catgut in vivo.
In addition, if wearing special equipment package, the package will have effectiveness of the special addition.
另外, 若穿著特殊套装装备, 还会有套装的特殊加成效果。
In addition, ad business moves farther with a view to advertisement, video advertisement and gregarious network.
此外, 广告商将进一步着眼于移动广告, 视频广告和社交网络。
In addition to an absence of fingerprints, the condition also leads to a reduction in the number of sweat glands.
In addition, the laser absorptivity of materials can be increased by filling wire during the laser welding course.
In addition to accounting functions, I supervised the Head of Information Technology and the Divisional Secretary.
Calculator functions to achieve simple calculation, multiplication and division addition and subtraction functions.
In addition, the kelp in the alginic acid can slow down the intestinal absorption of radioactive strontium have been.
The influence of gravitational effect in accelerated systems of reference for relativity addition theorem of velocities
In addition, I should like to emphasize the excellent informational work accomplished by the Court through the Internet.
This analysis method was verified well accuracy and repeatability by running standard addition and recovery experiments.
本方法经加标校核证明, 检测结果重现性好, 准确度高。
In addition, comfortably chooses a pair, warm to be facile, themoisture absorption performance good shoe also count for much.
此外, 选一双舒适, 和轻便, 湿性能好的鞋子也非常重要。
In addition, in accordance to the Regulation of Phonetic Transcription in Hanyu Pinyin Letters of Place Names in Minority Nationality Languages
In addition, the utility model can also achieve the function of a clothes changing room by utilizing the combined design of the partition room.

单词 addition 释义

  • 单词释义:加法;增加;添加物  [更多..]



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