单词 act 例句大全,用单词act造句:

Such a paid criminal act would be a mercenary act because of its nature and purpose.
It is imperative that the Council act quickly, but we must also be seen to act justly.
As regards the Work Environment Act, important amendments were made to this Act in1994.
Further, it is an offence to aid, abet and facilitate the commission of a terrorist act.
The Comparative Study on the Judical Review System of the Abstractive Administrative Act.
Authorisation to act on behalf of me regarding my application, cf. Act of Administration.
Abnormal protherombin obvious increased can act as screeing diagnosis for primary hepatoma.
A senior member of the committee was authorized to act for the chairman during his absence.
The dictionary defines perversion as a sexual practice or act considered abnormal or deviant.
Administrative Procedure Act Will Become the Basic Procedure Act to Protect the Government by Law
The best advice Remember common courtesy and act toward others as you want them to act toward you.
最好的建议别忘了通常的礼貌, 己所不欲勿施于人。
Abandoning the repeated injurious act is fully consistent with the features of desistance of crime.
The Comparison Between the Abstractness of Act on Commercial Instrument and of Juristic Act of Right
In State practice, an act of aggression, which was an unlawful act, could not produce legal effects.
I've heard it said that prayer is the act of talking to God, while meditation is the act of listening.
It can also act as an absolute structure, functioning as subordinate clause or circumstantial complement.
In the absence of the Chairman, the Committee shall elect one of its members to act as temporary Chairman.
如主席不能出席会议, 则由另一委员担任临时主席。
Pursuant to the Abortion and Sterilization Act, an abortion may be performed only with the woman's consent.
The next act, of what turned out to be a four act play, was the one where both characters fight to the death.
The drum of water current concuss, in the heart of aery absentminded, exactly is who is act in cooperation who?
水流的鼓荡, 心中的飘渺恍惚, 到底是谁在呼应着谁?
Article 1 The Enforcement Rules of the Statistics Act are enacted pursuant to Article 30 of the Statistics Act.
Particularly, the illocutionary act in the trichotomy of Speech Act Theory has shed light on drama translation.
This provision is without prejudice to the provisions of the Act of11 September1962 and the Act of5 August1991.
the act of a penitent disclosing his sinfulness before a priest in the sacrament of penance in the hope of absolution.
Abscond is the act of going away without permission OR not returning to the court after being released on bail OR to escape from prison.
潜逃, 失踪。

单词 act 释义

  • 单词释义:行为,行动;法案;(戏剧等)一幕;表演;假装;演出者  [更多..]



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