单词 abruptly 例句大全,用单词abruptly造句:

If these drugs are stopped abruptly then some withdrawal symptoms may occur.
The sound of a thunderstorm would look like a deadly boom went off abruptly.
Versatility becomes advantageous, however, when the weather changes abruptly.
然而当气候骤然改变时, 变化性就会成为一项长处。
Ovary ovoid, apex with a membranous crown, crown margin abruptly denticulate.
子房卵球形, 先端具膜质冠, 冠边缘突然细齿。
As the temperature drop abruptly, the camper is shivering all over with cold.
由於气温骤降, 野营者冷得浑身发抖。
One year later, you rose abruptly to be a talent in our eyes, far more mature.
I'd jump up abruptly, in the middle of a word, but I still couldn't shake them.
Muzzle Medium length, rounded on upper side to fall away abruptly below eyes.
The work on anthrax abruptly ushered in the golden age of medical bacteriology.
He rose abruptly from his seat and paced up and down, smiling grimly to himself.
When others were halfway through their meal, he would abruptly get up and leave.
有时大家吃饭吃到一半的时候, 他会突然地站起离席。
Whereas, it would appear at home abruptly and it could make us feel rather genial.
As the temperature dropped abruptly, the campers were shivering all over with cold.
A waitress at a restaurant might abruptly decide that she cannot serve their table.
The whole groups of species sometimes falsely appear to have been abruptly developed.
At this moment an apparent change is, mainland is achieved cast begin to rise abruptly.
这时一个明显得转变是, 本土创投开始崛起。
Mr. Molinaro buried his head in his hands. Mr. Schwartz looked ashen and left abruptly.
In his State of the Union, he said, the U.S. will not abruptly withdraw troops from Iraq.
在他的国情咨文, 他说, 美国不会贸然从伊拉克撤军。
Abruptly he flew backward, crushed the door with his back and got into the earthen house.
On the technical study of stopping abruptly and jumping shooting in the basketball sports
snout short and bluntly pointed. Body elongated, tapering abruptly from the first dorsalfin base.
But all their hopes were abruptly dashed when Ronnie died suddenly along with their unborn triplets.
Balding candidate abruptly excused himself. Returned to office a few minutes later wearing a hairpiece.
appearing to terminate abruptly,as a leaf of a tulip tree or a coiled gastropod shell that lacks a spire
In course of study of international container regular ship, asian independent carrier rises abruptly increasingly.
在国际集装箱班轮业中, 亚洲独立承运人日益崛起。

单词 abruptly 释义

  • 单词释义:突然地;意外地;(言谈举止)唐突地;<地质>陡起地  [更多..]



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