单词 achieve 例句大全,用单词achieve造句:

Achieve join line of business and character, this crisis also accelerated whole industry shuffle.
To accelerate national defense development and achieve national defense and military modernization.
The middle can be changed to achieve Acer different definition graphics, authors also paint a tree.
可以改变中间的宏定义以实现不同的图形, 笔者还画出了树。
This kind of pump drainage irrigation equipment can help achieve the irrigation of terraced fields.
Cannot achieve a goal as scheduled, the leading group wants abdication of collective take the blame.
Only with the help of clever steps can you avoid trouble and achieve greater success with less cost.
And the only way we're going actually achieve what we need to achieve is to work with other nations.
The absorbing water thickness expansion rate must achieve the national superior product the standard.
Must speak of, certainlymust achieve does not blow off the artillery, cannot achieve ratherdid not say.
As long as one goes on the right path, he will definitely achieve great success through his own efforts.
My job now is too far from home, it is difficult for me to achieve a work-life balance. It's troublesome.
And to maintain relatively constant concentration in the blood in order to achieve a smooth absorption purposes.
It is prepared to trample on international law and abuse international organizations in order to achieve its goals.
Direct current speed regulation equipment was used to achieve high accuracy speed control of rotation and movement.
Although he is young, he stays calm during times of crisis. I'm sure we will achieve great things when he is older.
You can achieve interesting results by drawing a pattern, coloring some regions and then erasing the pattern lines.
It's a question of using the English language in a way that will achieve the greatest strength and the least clutter.
Porsche had obviously looked over the sea at what Henry Ford had been able to achieve with the all-round, popular Model T Ford.
It is absolutely necessary for the oppressed people to recur to revolutionary violence if they want to achieve their liberation.
被压迫的人民要得到解放, 使用革命暴力是绝对必要的。
Huang's academic foundation is reflected in the investigation of the ancient sounds and old sayings to achieve profound mastery.
The power which supports a soldier to take action is belief. Thus, he can bear all hardships and pains to achieve the goal he has chosen.
The Buddhas or Tathagatas abandon every possible fault or obscuration and then, through their great realizations, achieve the pure vision.
The Chinese volleyball team can achieve good results all the time because we don't stick to outdated playing mode, instead we are very flexible.
Sometimes dignity is not easy to achieve. It can be abandoned for some benefits or be an undeserved reputation. In general, common people are enthusiastic about angling for fame and honor.
In Han Feizi, Wu Du,"Long sleeves help one to dance skifully, and much money helps one to achieve success in business." He is well known in his company for using tricks to serve himself.

单词 achieve 释义

  • 单词释义:实现,达到;完成;成功  [更多..]



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