单词 cgi 例句大全,用单词cgi造句:

The CGI ape looked impressive.
When you see our breath in some shots, that is not CGI.
你在电视中看到我们的哈气, 那可不是电脑特效。
The three explorers have been shrunk with the help CGI.
藉由计算机绘图之助, 三名探险家被缩小。
The three explorers have been shrunk with the help of CGI.
藉由电脑绘图之助, 三名探险家被缩小。
How can I identify the user who is accessing my CGI script ?
我如何知道是谁, 在哪里, 用什么浏览器呼叫我的程式?
Some think that CGI stunts make movies look like video games.
This was an outstanding movie. I was blown away by the special effects and CGI. A solid cast and solid acting. 4.5/5 for me.

单词 cgi 释义

  • 单词释义:computer-generated imagery 计算机产生的图像;corrugated galvanized iron 波纹镀锌铁皮;cruise guide indicator 巡航导航指示器  [更多..]



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