Ticket should be issued with checked baggage allowance as piece for the entire journey.
在整个航程中, 托运行李应按照计件行李出票。
I checked all the hardware and software, and checked the results using my mobile phone.
我所有的硬件和软件清查, 清查结果用我的手机。
And she checked herself into rehab, aged 19, to address an addiction to booze and drugs.
她19岁时主动进入康复中心, 治疗酒瘾和毒瘾。
Products shall be checked and accepted by manufacturer's technical inspection department.
The study checked thermal equilibrium and results, analyzed relative error and error limit.
在实验的基础上进行了热平衡校核, 分析了误差来源。
When is left and ovarian cyst checked with fluid of pelvic cavity accumulating the idealest?
All the financial transactions not only must be posted, but also must be checked for accuracy.
各项财务收支不仅必须过帐, 而且必须审核, 以求准确无误。
In addition, attention should also be checked in a timely manner after the brick paving joint.
另外, 砖铺贴之后还应注意及时勾缝。
Since so many pages were checked by him alone, it is unavoidable for something to be left out.
We have checked with the department concerned and that the meeting will take place as planned.
我们跟有关部门联系过, 知道那个会将按原计划举行。
Completion of each gravel compaction pile shall be checked and accepted by the Engineer at site.
Only when each logical step has been checked by other mathematicians will the proof be accepted.
For instance, the second adventure that we checked out dealt with a foot race between creatures.
例如, 第二次冒险, 我们签出脚处理种族之间的动物。
Excess baggage charges will be collected if the items exceed your free checked baggage allowance.
如您的寄舱行李超过免费寄舱限额, 您须缴付超额行李费。
The advance of the rebel forces towards the capital has been checked by a government air bombardment.
Such unhealthy tendencies as securing advantage through pull or influence must be checked and stopped
像走后门这一类不正之风, 必须加以帛止
The affable Keefe a friendly smile cherubic countenance, a checked sports jacket and gabardine slacks.
That the effectiveness of the action shall be checked is an important part of action to avoid collision.
He checked out his composition again and again to make sure to that no important points had been omitted.
The pathological slices were made from the tissues of apex of right lung and checked under light microscope.
Above three models are analyzed and checked by the study, its effect is excellent and quickly that are certified.
Information literacy of the college student accomplishment needs to be taken exercise and checked in social practice.
Records for Completed Project Which Had Been Checked and Accepted Should be Managed In Combination with Engineering Archives
Archspringing beam and upright of frame shall abut against each other tightly and they shall be checked and accepted before laying arch.
砌筑拱前, 拱脚梁与骨架立柱必须靠紧, 并经检查合格。
That the graduate student that arithmetic once checked extremely mostly in history, is admitted is to wait for the forehead reexamination's.